Become That Inspirational Business Leader in 12 Hours


The exclusive one-to-one communications package to take you to a new level

Lee_IacoccaThe American business guru Lee Iacocca – pictured here – got it right:

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.”

As a business leader – or someone planning to be one – you need to inspire those around you in order to achieve your vision.

You need to shine through with positivity – and cope with onslaughts of negativity from critics.

Your transformational programme will be designed to provide you with the communications skills you need to propel you towards the highest possible level of performance.


Investment Pays Immediate Dividends

It’s an investment and a challenge that pays dividends straight away.

The programme – typically conducted over two days at a location of your choice – equips you to:

– Project yourself as an inspiring leader to audiences of all sizes – with confidence, impact and pizzazz

– Supercharge your business conversation skills so that you’re fully connecting with those around you

– Giving great answers to the toughest questions that make their way to the top

– Equip you to attract free media publicity when things are going right

– Communicate with reassuring confidence if things ever go wrong

Michael Dodd interviewingAnd if you choose the option to work with a camera operator, you can include webcasts and video conferences – and benefit from the advantage of seeing yourself as others see you.

This helps you to convey the messages and project the image you want.

What you say and how you say it makes an impression – for better and for worse – on your prospects, clients, staff, suppliers and financiers. It affects your sales, your growth and your bottom line.


The rules are changing fast.

Leaving all the tricky aspects of communication to others no longer works in today’s interconnected world. “Become That Inspirational Leader In 12 Hours” is the way to set yourself on an uplifting path to come out a winner at every opportunity.



Get in touch if you’d like to know more – or have an obligation-free chat about setting up your personal programme:

Tel – 44 (0) 7944 952835

To email click HERE

How Michael Dodd Transforms Business Leaders

Michael Dodd Full Length White Screen Low RezMichael helps business leaders, emerging leaders and other professionals to get their message across – face-to-face, through the media and across the web.

He dramatically enhances the communication skills of business leaders through organisations such as Vistage, Unlimited Potential, the Executive Foundation, MD2MD and the Scottish Institute for Business Leaders.

Michael’s won the “New Speaker of the Year” award from the Academy for Chief Executives and works on six continents.

If you want to become that inspirational leader, Michael will get to you wherever you are – and help get you where you want to be. 

What Business Experts Say

The art of the diamond cutter is to reveal the best angle of a stone, polish off the rough edges and expose the sparkling gem within. Michael Dodd works with people instead of diamonds and is a master craftsman

Richard Bosworth, Chairman, “What If” business leaders group



“It was truly amazing to observe how people could improve their performance, after just a short session with Michael.”

Luiz Paulo Ferrao, Owner, Vistage Brazil



“Straight talking, direct and extremely engaging – a must for any Chief Executive Officer”

Dominic Jones, Chief Executive Officer, Business Design Centre



“I initially met Michael when he was presenting at our monthly Academy for Chief Executives meeting. Following this I asked him to coach me privately on improving my presentation skills. After just one day there was a huge shift in my confidence and abilities as a public speaker. Michael’s observations advice and feedback were invaluable and inspirational.”

Paul Brooks – Joint Managing Director, Shop Fitters Direct


What Business Experts Say

The art of the diamond cutter is to reveal the best angle of a stone, polish off the rough edges and expose the sparkling gem within. Michael Dodd works with people instead of diamonds and is a master craftsman

Richard Bosworth, Chairman, “What If” business leaders group



“It was truly amazing to observe how people could improve their performance, after just a short session with Michael.”

Luiz Paulo Ferrao, Owner, Vistage Brazil
