Crafting The Right Positive Message For Your Audience

Crafting The Right Positive Message For Your Audience

Whether it’s in business, politics or somewhere else, successful communication tends to involve crafting a message - usually a positive one - and conveying it with impact! Occasionally it is, of course, necessary to adopt a negative message.  During this very wet...

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Don’t Turn A Tough Situation Into A Verbal Nightmare

Don’t Turn A Tough Situation Into A Verbal Nightmare

A tense verbal confrontation between a prominent British Jewish leader and police in London has triggered a wave of condemnation over the way one of the officers spoke to the man.   Video footage of the interaction has sparked outraged over what the police officer...

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Make Your Business Presentations More Entertaining!

Make Your Business Presentations More Entertaining!

There’s a kind of joke in the world of professional speaking which goes like this… Question: “To become a professional speaker, do your presentations have to be funny?” Answer: “No - but they do if you want to get paid!” This is, of course, an exaggeration. However,...

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