One impact of the Corona Crisis is that people running organisations suddenly have a lot more to do.
In particular, there’s suddenly sooooooooooo many Corona-related things about which you need to communicate.
You don’t have to have a product with an unfortunate name to experience the Corona challenges.
Corona means there’s a pandemic of things you need to say and discuss with:
+ Your own team members
+ Your customers and potential customers
+ Your suppliers
+ And sometimes, officials.
So at a time when it’s suddenly become harder for many companies to do business, there’s actually a lot more to do.
And if your company has anything to do with the toilet paper, ventilator manufacturing or hand sanitizer sectors, you may have to boost production as you deal with everything else.

Here’s the good news.
If required, I’m here to help you say what you need to say on Corona matters.
And to help you say it (even) better – which is vital in emotionally-charged times.
In the current tumultuous environment, there are 3 ways I can assist.
I can help you more directly to do the work of keeping everyone in the loop who needs to be.
This can involve helping you:
+ Draft your written Corona-related communications
+ Polish what you’ve planned before you hit the send button
+ Write newsletters to keep everyone informed
+ Script snappy, high impact social media content
+ Craft press releases to spread the word about what you’re doing that’s new, different and/or amazing
+ Prepare what to say to journalists inquiring about what’s going on
+ Plan and produce videos with your team to keep everyone in the picture

One of the things I can do – or help you achieve – is what I call “Outcome-Focused Communication”.
This aims to convey truths, messages and your real-life mini case studies to move your target audiences towards the outcomes you’re seeking.
For example, I can help you plan and execute some of your communications challenges in a way that’s designed to help you uplift your team members during the crisis.
So if you need hands-on help to enable your communications to be better – and achieve the right outcomes amidst the Corona crisis – let me know. 44 (0) 7944 952835
This communications assistance is being done at a distance where necessary.
If you have a conference planned, I can help you run it virtually – from the venue you’ve already hired or from somewhere else. So your conference can go ahead with your people watching and interacting from their homes or offices.
This kind of operation can involve my colleagues from the Fiveonabike production company who can take care of the technical side, while I help you get the best on the content side.

A format that works in these times is to run your virtual conference like a TV show – where speakers can make their contributions remotely and/or by being interviewed by you or me.
And I can show everyone involved in your team how to talk effectively to the camera – drawing on the tricks of TV journalists along the way.
In this way your conference that should go on really can go on.
I am well-placed to run communications-boosting sessions remotely for you and/or your team. These can be done online through Zoom and Skype – or on the phone. They can be done one-to-one, in workshops or as conference keynotes to real and virtual conferences.
For example, we can remotely work on helping your team give great answers to tough Corona-related questions.
Or we can run remote sessions on a range of other communications boosting topics – as set out here:
And if you need a drink at the end of a challenging Corona-affected day, you might choose that once popular beer called Corona Extra, which looks like this.

But in the world that President Trump calls fake news, it’s being suggested that Corona Extra has had a brand makeover and now looks like this!

Enjoy your Ebola Extra!