Will 2015 will be the year when you and your team become inspirational communicators?

Or EVEN more inspirational communicators?

If this is one of your new year aspirations, then there’s great news.

Becoming a better communicator is a learnable skill – where everyone can improve.

Whether it’s being a more captivating presenter, doing more bombproof media interviews or giving more scintillating business introductions, communications is a learnable skill.

Every master class, conference keynote and one-to-one coaching session run by Michael Dodd Communications sets out to demonstrate just how learnable the skill is.

As in all areas, some people have a higher starting point than others.

But whatever their natural talents, those who become exceptionally good at it typically do so by working at it.

This applies whether you look at the ancient Greek orator Demosthenes…



Or Oprah Winfrey…


Or Sir Richard Branson…


They all worked at taking their communication skills levels to a higher plane.

Michael Dodd Communications is here to help you and your team on that journey.


And to make it easier and more pleasurable to become inspirational communicators in 2015, there’s a new-look, new year website at www.michaeldoddcommunications.com

And the upgraded look is largely down to you – our readers.

Based on the feedback you have given, our highly creative and efficient design partners – Five-On-A-Bike – have come up with the new design.

Previously the website featured (somewhat controversially) white writing on black.

Now, thanks to your feedback on this ezine and the website, both now have black writing on white.

But it’s not just the look that’s been upgraded.

It’s now easier to find what you need on the Michael Dodd Communications website, thanks to a new navigation page – designed by York Smith and Stephen Green – which sets out all our major services in a single place.

The new services web page looks like this:

You can check it out at:


There’s a new video to welcome you on the home page:

And there’s a new page on learning to talk to the camera with confidence, warmth and authority – so you can shine out more effectively on your website.

It’s at: https://www.michaeldoddcommunications.com/talking-to-the-camera/ 

There’s also a new page for enhancing the communications skills of members of business leaders groups such as Vistage, the Academy for Chief Executives and others.

On this page you’ll find the entire menu of communications-boosting master classes.


This includes the new half-day session: “Get Your Message Across To Different Personality Types”


This master class shows you how to connect more effectively with different kinds of people.

It enables business leaders to understand how the different personality types like to receive information in different ways – hence the term “different strokes for different folks”.

As a result you get to understand why and how you need to adopt a different communications approach with a typical accountant or engineer than you would to a typical public relations executive or television presenter.

When you understand how different personality types prefer to communicate – and you get to practice it in the session – your success rate in influencing those around you can leap.

Information on this and other Business Leaders Group master classes is at:



Thank you for all the colourful responses over the festive season from those who downloaded the 2015 Michael Dodd Communications Free Calendar – produced by the creative technical genius, 14-year-old Lucinda Dodd.

In case you haven’t yet had the chance to see it, here is what May 2015 looks like.

And if this inspires you (as surely it must!!!), the fantastic news is that you can still download your free copy at::

Download the calendar here now! (6.2 MB)

So with your MDC calendar on your screen – or printed off and pinned on your office wall – 2015 will have to be your most inspired year yet!

Looking forward to seeing you in it.

Keep smiling,
