Talking to the Camera

Talking to the camera is something that broadcast journalists have had to do for years.

But it’s increasingly becoming a necessary skill for anyone seeking to promote themselves and their business.



And while it feels uncomfortable and unnatural for most people when they first start, it is a learnable skill.

Michael Dodd Communications can show you and your team how it’s done.

You and your colleagues can be coached to project yourselves through the camera with confidence, warmth and authority.

And we can turn your training into immediate great effect – by using your best efforts at the end to feature on your website.

This can be immediately placed on your website or deployed in e-newsletters.

If required, our production partners, Five on a Bike, can also use this material to feature you and your team members in your own business film for your website and for social media.

To find out more telephone us on:

Call: 44 (0) 7944 952835

Or use the form on our contact page here


“The art of the diamond cutter is knowing how to reveal the best angle of a stone, polish off the rough edges and expose the sparkling gem within. Michael Dodd works with people instead of diamonds and is a master craftsman.”

Richard Bosworth, Chairman, “What If” business leaders group


“Thanks for a brilliant day yesterday. It was all so incredibly useful – practical, enthusiastic, constructive, immediately-applicable…oh and fun.”

Dr Lynda Shaw, neuroscientist and psychologist.
