When the history is written of how leaders behaved during Corona Times, there should be a special chapter on those who demanded one thing of their people – and then did the opposite themselves.

It would be hard for any historian – or anyone else – to avoid the conclusion that it’s impossible to be considered a great communicator or a great leader if you don’t personally practise what you preach.

Or to put it in a way in which those who remember the UK’s Brexit negotiations would be familiar, you can’t have your cake and eat it too!



The historians would also have to cover all the Westminster gatherings – including the now infamous “Boris Birthday Party” held inside the Cabinet Room at 10 Downing Street – at a time when government anti-coronavirus rules, formulated in the very same room, banned more than six people from socialising indoors together.

Alas this historic chapter would need to include the social distancing rules which former British Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, frequently outlined about avoiding physical contact with others – and what the security camera then discovered!



This chapter would also reference the British Government rules about restricting social gatherings which Prime Minister Boris Johnson insisted his team members were abiding by – amidst mounting evidence to the contrary.



But shocking though it may seem, this same future history book should also contain an additional chapter in which another political figure – far far away from Downing Street – actually abided by the rules she laid down about social gatherings.

What was commendable about this great communicator was that she made a point of sticking to her rules – even though they had a negative personal impact.



Details of this shocking “Politician Follows Her Own Rules” turn of events are set out towards the end of this column!




Meanwhile, let’s focus on another positive historic angle on the pandemic.

It’s about the history of business during Corona Times – and especially all those companies that struggled to keep going despite rampaging Covid outbreaks.

In this book, an honourable mention should go to the part played by so-called business leaders’ groups.

These are groups based in many countries which have played – and are continuing to play – a highly significant role in advising, encouraging and inspiring company leaders to get through the pandemic.

As the members of these business leaders’ groups have battled all that coronavirus has thrown at them, the groups have been the source of massive support, insightful ideas and ongoing education for those at the top.

Business leaders’ groups tend to work in collections of about 10 to 15 members – often from very different types of companies – who are convened under an experienced business chair to help each other tackle their business problems.

Along the way they tend to bring in professional speakers who give guidance on their areas of expertise – and help the leaders to apply it to their own individual or company challenges.



As a communications-boosting speaker, I’m privileged to mix with these groups to help members convey their messages – in all kinds of different and difficult circumstances – to prospects, clients, suppliers, officials, journalists and to members of their own teams.

And when necessary during severe Corona outbreaks, some of the meetings between the members and speakers have had to be conducted on Zoom.



What I’ve also noticed during the pandemic is that the business leaders’ groups have provided all kinds of additional support outside meetings as their members have taken on the challenges,

Some of this has been provided in new ways – such as by spreading relevant information and guidance through specially-formed WhatsApp groups.

At the same time, the pandemic has opened up new possibilities for the business leaders’ groups to help a wider range of members – as online meetings have meant they’re less restricted by geography.

So the business leaders’ groups have been able to hold meetings which run across international borders and through different time zones.

The good news is that an increasing number of meetings are now being held face-to-face – which is always the ideal as far as communication-boosting sessions are concerned.

But the face-to-face meetings are now typically run on a “hybrid” basis, so that those who can’t make it to a particular physical location are still able to take part online.

For example, one of the London face-to-face sessions I spoke at involved a member connecting from the Czech Republic.

And sessions I’ve run on Zoom with groups based in North America where some members gathered in the same venue in New York – with others taking part online from further afield….and one even while nursing his baby at home!



So wherever you are in the world, if you would like an introduction to a business leaders’ group, feel free to let me know.

I’ll be more than happy to introduce you to the convenor of a business leaders’ group which could prove to be right for you.

As the uncertainty around the pandemic continues in different forms, business leaders’ groups can help you keep going in tough times – and enable you soar higher still when conditions are more favourable.

I do need to warn you that if you do join one of the groups, there is a chance that, at some stage, I could pop up on screen or – ideally – bob up in the room with you to help you and your colleagues in sessions on any of the following:
















Details of each of these sessions are set out at: https://www.michaeldoddcommunications.com/workshops-for-business-leaders-groups/

And there’s also the new session for business leaders’ groups – and for individual companies – called:


This focuses on getting your organisation’s message across whenever you’re launching a new product or service. The programme equips participants to present at the highest possible level to audiences – inside and outside your organisation. It also helps participants to give great answers to any tough questions – and easy questions too! – that you might encounter at or after your launch.




Hopefully those tough questions won’t need to involve any break-the-rules parties held in conjunction with your new product launch!




And now, as promised, here’s the shocking news of the leader who follows her own rules – even when it’s a mighty personal inconvenience.

You have to go all the way to New Zealand to find her – or otherwise pick up the right issue of Vogue magazine.



Jacinda Ardern has put off her own wedding arrangements because they conflict with her government’s latest restrictions aimed at combatting the international Omicron surge.

These restrictions conflict with the marriage plans of the Prime Minister and her partner, Clarke Gayford, which were due to be put into action at Gisborne on the eastern coast of the North Island in coming weeks.

So the couple has duly cancelled their current arrangements – as the PM revealed at a press conference.



True to form as an inspirational communicator, when Jacinda Ardern made her announcement she didn’t just focus on her own wedding postponement.

She also kindly acknowledged those other Kiwi couples who are experiencing the same form of disappointment.

And what’s more, she remained graciously optimistic throughout!